At Elmbridge Borough Council’s Planning Committee on Tuesday 5th December the application to redevelop the Brooklands College site was approved.
The application involves providing a total of 320 new homes in blocks of flats, town houses and the refurbishment of the listed Brooklands mansion into luxury apartments. The College put forward a development of such a significant scale on Greenbelt land largely to pay off £20m of a £25m debt it had incurred when contracting apprentice training to a company that subsequently went bust. The money is owed to the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), an agency of the DofE.
The debate in the Planning Committee meeting involved discussions on whether paying off the debt was a legitimate use of the planning process and constituted the Very Special Circumstances (VSC) necessary for building houses and flats on Greenbelt land, whether the design, mass, bulk and height of the proposed buildings were acceptable and whether there would be undue additional pressure on our roads. Despite being advised that paying off the debt did not constitute VSC, and with a number of councillors expressing concern about the scale of the proposed buildings and the effect on our already congested roads, the application was approved by a majority.
Clearly there are advantages to the proposals, including:
- Upgrading the College’s teaching facilities;
- Increasing the provision on site for local students requiring a high level of Special Education Needs, supported with funds from Surrey County Council;
- Delivering a new sports centre and community space for the use of the College and the wider local community;
- Refurbishing the site’s listed mansion, returning it to its historic residential use and restoring its terraced gardens;
- 40% of properties will be affordable homes providing a mix of rented housing, shared ownership and discounted first homes;
- Opening up 12 hectares of woodland for newly accessible public use;
- Reopening pedestrian and cycling access across the railway bridge giving residents living south of the railway better access to Brooklands College, Heathside School and into Weybridge;
- Remediating and building on areas that were former landfill sites.