Local Election results


The latest local elections were a resounding success for the Lib Dem party in Elmbridge as Lib Dems gained six new council seats and held on to three. Of Elmbridge’s total number of 48 councillors, the LibDems are now the biggest party with 19, whilst Conservatives have 12 and Residents associations in various groups count 17 councillors.

In a big win, Weybridge Riverside councillor Ashley Tilling was re-elected after serving four years and was also elected to Surrey County Council, the first Lib Dem from Elmbridge! At Surrey, Ashley will represent the Walton South and Oatlands division.

The vote counts for Elmbridge Borough Council for Weybridge Riverside ward were as follows:
Ashley Tilling, Lib Dem 1094 votes; Conservative 754 votes; Labour 220 votes.

Thank you to all who voted, whichever party you supported – the Lib Dems are here to represent all!

Whilst the election was a boost for Lib Dems, the turnout was disappointing at 39.6%, in part as the need for new photo identity proof led some people to turn back without voting. Without a doubt, it was shocking to see a uniformed policemen turned away at St Mary’s School Oatlands polling station as his warrant card with photo was not considered by the presiding officer as proof enough to vote! Those who used a postal vote did not need to provide proof of identity. Do contact Elmbridge Borough Council offices to get on the postal vote list if you need to. Ring 01372 474 474.

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